One Last Star Boost

So the other night as we were decorating the tree and it looked complete, we began to think about what next Christmas might feel like without our Caleb. It will be really different not having him here with us while he serves a mission for two consecutive years. Mimi our youngest started to get really sentimental and sad and when Matt went to pick up Caleb late from work she said, "Mom could we take the star off so Caleb can lift me up one last time?" I thought this was a sweet request and so we did it. Caleb gave Mikayla that last boost to the top of the tree for awhile. He hugged her when it was done and she proceeded to sob into his shoulder for the next 5 minutes or so. What a cute big brother he has been to her....we'll all truly miss him while he's away!
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Diane said…
Ohhhhh! This made me cry. What a sweet thing!

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