Family Pics 2011

It has been a really long time since we've had our family pictures taken (7 years to be exact). So with Caleb about to leave for the mission field we decided these pictures were a must. We had them taken at a local photo shop and I must say I really love how they turned out. Here are a few of our favorites! Above are Caleb, Me, Matt, Tayler, Colton, Miguel and Mikayla are below.

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calibosmom said…
These are AMAZING! So beautiful and I love the little splashes of pink.
Tebbs Family said…
Gorgeous, gorgeous! Who did them? They are fabulous of everyone. I am so excited for you to send out your first missionary... let me know how it is!
Tralar said…
Thank you for being so kind. We had them taken at a new little studio here in Draper called Foto Fly. We loved our photographer he made it really fun for the kids and us!

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