Stair Case Update

Okay after our wood floor makeover project, I decided our oak railings could also use an update. Let's face it after being in a house for over 13 years, you need some kind of a face lift.
I used a hand sander and a product called TSP to take off the shiny finish ... this took the most time. I had to do a little at a time so I didn't get to overwhelmed. The white spindles didn't need a complete strip. I just lightly sanded where I could and then wiped it down good again with the TSP.
I love the end results. We used the same Ebony colored stain we used on our floors for the newell posts and hand rail (it's made by a company called Bona) and 2-3 coats of high gloss white paint for the spindles. I am so happy with our new look, it paid to do it myself, it just took sticking with it.
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Tebbs Family said…
Gorgeous!!! I'm so impressed--I'm going to call you when we've been in our house 13 years to get your advice!!
Tralar said…
Thanks to you both! Terese you inspired me or I never would have dug in and even attempted it. And Alicia your nice to say so ... but John could probably teach us all a thing or two on remodeling, I know you both have done a lot of that in the past.

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