Our Family Garden

We may have found a new Memorial Day tradition. The past three or four years our extended family has gotten together to plant a family garden on my Grandpa Davis's property. My Dad has headed up this idea and tries to include us all in the planting, upkeep and best yet harvesting . I loved watching even the kids be so involved in the process....It takes me back to when I was a little girl. Each year as far back as I can remember, Grandpa would plant a garden here. He started early in the season with seeds and spent the rest of it watering and tending his beautiful gardens. As kids he loved to bring us down each little row and proudly show us what he was growing. Most often we would end up taking home a sack full of produce we helped him pick. Up until the day he died my Grandpa was preparing the soil for the spring planting. He sat down on a chair to take a rest and passed away peacefully there in his garden. I can think of no sweeter passing than knowing he died doing that which he loved most.
McCoy and Matt working the soil
Aspen and Suzy planting the seeds
Fiona and Scott plant some tomatoes
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