Change your Questions Change your Life

I have to tell everyone I know how much I have absolutely loved reading this book. I bought it at Deseret Book and immediatley fell in love with its interesting text and pictures. It is a beautiful book just to look at, but even better yet are the powerful insights Sister Nelson offers. Each page is filled with ideas on how to better make your way through this life, by asking yourself as well as the Lord thought provoking questions. A book like this is meant to be savored a little at a time. I have enjoyed trying out some of the things she suggests. One of my favorites is her "Take a Daily Question to the Scriptures for 30 Days Experiment". I tried this and loved what I learned so much it will now become a habit in my regular scripture study. This book is so powerful I feel that it is a must have for anyone trying to effectively navigate their way through this life. It truly has changed me for the better and given me a new perspective as I look at my life and each new challenge I am given.


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