Caleb's Graduation

Caleb graduated from both Alta High School and Seminary this past week.  What a great that will propel him into many more successes in the future.
One of the things I love most about Caleb is his affectionate nature.  He has never been embarrassed or acted to cool to stop and give you a hug.
And when Caleb hugs you, you really feel his love.
 During high school he has made alot of good friends who share his enthusiasm for both sports and girls.
Left to right are: Connor Hall, Jansen Sears, Tanner Lund, Conrad, Josh Skousen and Caleb.

We are all so proud that he is highly motivated about his future goals of a mission and achieving a higher education in college.  He is a great young man and we look forward to seeing all that he will accomplish in his future.


Diane said…
Great kid. Love this post!

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