Missionary Training Center

Today was the big day. Caleb has been getting ready for the past three months and now it has finally arrived. He entered the Missionary Training Center in Provo today and will be there for 8 weeks and then fly to Rome, Italy where he will serve his mission for the next 2 years. He was very composed and excited about this new part of his life. We gave Caleb the choice of where he wanted his last meal to be before heading out. He chose J. Dawgs on BYU campus. Definitley not fancy but Caleb loves them and I must admit they were really very good hot dogs. I will miss hugging Caleb everyday and having him tell us he loves us. I'll miss his helpful attitude and the way he is a good big brother and example to us all. But I must say although we all shed a few tears, it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. We wish Caleb the very best and our prayers will be with him everyday!
Just a side note: anyone wishing to keep up on Calebs mission or contact him may follow the blog I have set up for him at eldercaleblarsen.blogspot.com I will post parts from his letters, pictures and how you can contact him. 

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Tebbs Family said…
What a handsome missionary!!! He is exactly where he needs to be and he will be a fabulous missionary--just like his mom! I'm excited to follow his blog...
Diane said…
What an awesome day. I have to admit, I've been a little teary yesterday and today thinking of him. Not sure why because we are thrilled for him! Maybe my overactive sentimentality is kicking in. He will do awesome and what a blessing for the whole family to have him out!
calibosmom said…
Caleb is so cute! We have a young lady from our ward heading to Rome as well. Her name is Sarah Foote-I'm sure they will meet. He'll do great!!!

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