Caleb is an Official Missionary

Tonight Caleb was set apart as a missionary for our church. He will leave for the MTC tomorrow where he will begin his journey. Colton his brother will leave in about 18 months, which means they will not see each other for almost 4 years. Colton is sad about that but says that watching Caleb prepare for his mission has just made it that much more of a commitment for him to serve also. They are close and will miss sharing so many times together. They are both great boys that we can be proud of.
Our Stake President gave Caleb a very special blessing when he set him apart. The spirit was very strong and we all felt at peace.
Tayler and Caleb are close too. They will miss going places together and all the things they love to talk about.
We all ate at Caleb's favorite restaraunt for wings, Wing Coop. We were joined by some of our aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents.
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