

Let me begin by saying, we are not dog people! We do not like pets in the house and simply have never had the time or desire to care for one. Our kids however have always wanted a dog. For years we were able to put them off by saying, "When you're grown and have a house of your own then you can get a dog". Well along came Mimi...this girl doesn't just love dogs but every little creature! When you're with her you can't help but kind of catch the bug (so to speak). She has to stop and pat, kiss or talk to every animal she encounters. So as not to deny my child of her God given abilites to nurture animals I thought we could begin (and end) with a dog. Enter Coco...he has been a part of our family now for a year and a half. He's an all black Shih Tzu with a sweet and playful disposition. He has instantly converted our entire family to the dog loving crowd. When you come home he is the happiest to see you. He loves to cuddle, play and romp with the kids. He's easy going and doesn't demand too much from our already bustling household. He has more than compensated us for the care that we give to him. And it is a surprise to all, especially me that we absolutley love our little CoCo bear!!!
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