Our Sweet Eighties Love Story

It was July 9th 1986 when all our stars aligned, to the beat of Bananrama's "Venus" playing in the background and the disco lights flashing at Star Palace in Provo.  This handsome guy asked me to dance and we have been inseparable ever since.  He was my greatest encourager as I prepared to serve a mission.  He wrote me the sweetest of love letters, sent care packages with toll house cookie bars and jewelry.  And once I returned after a particularly trying day as a missionary where a dozen roses waited for me on my doorstep.  His late night one ring calls assured me that he was still there for me....  29 years later I still love this man more than anything for all that he has brought into my life.  He has helped me to understand what it means to love another so different than myself but so much the same.  He is my one true love and best friend forever!  Love you my sweet hubby!!!!


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