EXTRA, EXTRA- Read all about it

Tracy has finally gotten with it and decided to learn how to blog. This is all new to me but my sister Diane sent me a link to hers and it looks like a super fun way to journal the events in our families crazy life. So stay tuned for some of our latest and greatest adventures!!!!


Diane said…
Yeah, you have joined the blogging world. It is super fun and a nice way to journal your happenings. I love the name of your blog too. You clever woman you! I can't wait to see all the posts
LISA said…
Brad forwarded your link today he sent one on Diane the other plus I have some friends that are bloggers and it looks like alot of fun!! So you all have inspired me to figure it out and give it a try of course as soon as I have some down time to figure it out!! But it seems like a great way to keep up on everyone, as life gets so busy we sometimes loss track of even families comings and goings! So keep me updated and hopefully soon I can do the same!!

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