Winter Blast from the Past

(Kenzie, Tayler, Brittney, Colton, Braiden and Caleb)

I absolutely love this time of year. From the very first snowfall to the excitement of the Christmas season. Even simple rituals like making hot chocolate on a cold wintry day or building a snowman with the kids. The holidays are a great time to enjoy family and friends. The memories we create together are precious reflections that make life worth living. One of my favorites was a few years ago when my extended family got together for a tubing and sleigh riding adventure on a frozen lake. We made our way up to the Price/Wellington area where my Uncle Larry lives. When we arrived we realized that this wasn't just any ordinary sledding, my Uncle has a very unconventional imagination and had created what he called the "ghetto sled". It was made out of the hood of a car and the bench seat of an old truck welded together. He attached this sled to his 4 wheeler and pulled it around the lake. We were a little reluctant at first to try it, but we finally decided to give it a whirl. Together the four of us went for a spin, we had to keep our arms linked so that we didn't lose anyone off the side. By the end we were all laughing so hard we were literally crying. The entire afternoon was spent on the lake eating, enjoying each others company and hoping to get another ride on that silly "ghetto sled".
(Lisa, Dede, Tracy and Suzy Q.)

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Anonymous said…
What Hotties!
Tralar said…
I know don't we all look "SWEET"!

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