For Miguel's 9th birthday he decided to go to FAT CATS with our family. We bowled and had yummy pizza. It was a very fun night celebrating a wonderful boy in our lives. WE LOVE YOU MIGUEL!
As I've written before Mimi is fascinated by little creatures in nature. Introducing her latest find, a snail she named "Slimey". She made him a cozy little home out of a canning jar from our cabinet. It comes fully furnished with a bed made of grass and lettuce leaves. She couldn't resist sharing him with her best friend Jaden and his little brother Teagan.
A few Sunday's ago I was approached by a boy in my son's primary class "The Informant". He likes to keep me updated on Miguel's latest shenanigans. This week may have topped them all- "Ummm, Mrs. Larsen. . . Miguel has a frog in his scriptures today." I look at him immediatley. Surely I must not be hearing "the informant" correctly... "Wait, did you say a frog?" "Yeah it's a frog and it's in his scripture case." I stop for a moment trying to wrap my head around this one, then in my best nonchalant reply. . . "Oh a frog huh? (pause) a pretend one right?" The informant is just about to burst at the seams as he shares this last juicy tidbit with me. "No, IT"S A REAL LIVE ONE and it's in a bag of water that he showed to the whole class in primary today." After thanking my source, my mind quickly flashes back to a booth I had seen the day before during Draper Days. The large sign read -FROGS $...