I wouldn't normally steal Tayler's thunder, but since she may never get around to recording her sweet proposal story, she gave me permission to do so along with some great pictures and a real live video (if I can ever get it downloaded to my blog). Let me begin by saying Tayler and Jared have known each other for over 2 and 1/2 years and their relationship took a serious turn in August when they began talking about marriage. We knew this was going to happen. Jared had even came to our house the night before this took place to ask for our blessing, which is a very classy thing for him to have done (scored big brownie points with the parents)!!! Anyway he had dreamed up a great way to propose that was very personal and romantically sweet for Tayler. Better yet he kept it so secret that no one but his sister in Dallas knew for sure where or when this was all going to happen. Tayler and her friends Kajsia and Ashley had all left for a 5 day trip to Disneyland. (Let me pause her...