Garage Sale Anyone?

My friends have truly addicted me to the new hobby of yard saleing. At first I couldn't imagine myself rummaging through someone elses junk. But as my friends have proven time and again. If you know where to shop most peoples junk can still be like just like new and for a steal of a deal. I being a true frugal shopper have a couple of self imposed rule I like to follow. First I usually go out with no more than a $20 bill in my pocket, this way I'm not tempted to spend anymore. And it allows me to decide if I really want something bad enough and if so to talk myself a deal with the seller. I try always to come home with a dollar or two left in my pocket. I also generally don't go more than once a month, unless I'm really searching for my cherrywood night stand I snagged this summer for $12. Here's an example of what I found last week:

Hi-Ho Cherry-O game
5 like new books for my day care
Toss Across Game
Indoor Golf Game
Brain Quest
2 stuffed animals
Bird Puppet that sings
2 Healthy Cookbooks
Comfy Clogs

All of these items were in like new condition. Shoes had never even been worn for $1 a pair. My total for the day $17. What a Steal!!!
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Diane said… make Dad proud. Happy to see you carrying on the tradition of a good deal. Also, Grandpa Don would be proud to hear you always come home with a little "jingle in your pocket".

You actually scored big time!

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