
Showing posts from November, 2014

A Special lesson by Miguel

In our church we try to set aside Monday nights as a special night reserved for our families called Family Home evening.  Since our children were small we have always tried to follow this pattern and reserve time together each week.  Sometimes we have a short lesson, message or video, other times we might do an activity together like a game or go out for some ice cream. Regardless of what we do, it is a time to show love and appreciation for our relationships and hopefully teach some good values along the way.  This past week was Miguel's turn for the lesson.

Climbing with Faith

I just read this great talk by Elder Dallin H. Oaks   it made me really stop and think about so many times in my life when I have been required to climb and stretch myself and my faith beyond what I thought possible.  Other times I have been required by faith to simply walk through doors that are opening up for me and to have the courage and fortitude to keep going, as was true in the case of our adoption.  Years ago a powerful lesson was taught to me by the spirit. I was sitting alone with one of my children in a hospital room. We had been transported there by ambulance for evaluation and to get my child's stats up from a severe bout of asthma. We had been through this routine in many emergency rooms before as both of our young children battled with what felt like constant asthma attacks. I sat there in the room waiting  and exhausted from my lack of sleep.  As I waited for a doct...