Our grandson Callen celebrated his first birthday! What a fun boy he is. We all love how excited he gets to see everyone. He is an exuberant chatterbox who is always exploring. We love our baby Callen!!!
As I've written before Mimi is fascinated by little creatures in nature. Introducing her latest find, a snail she named "Slimey". She made him a cozy little home out of a canning jar from our cabinet. It comes fully furnished with a bed made of grass and lettuce leaves. She couldn't resist sharing him with her best friend Jaden and his little brother Teagan.
A few Sunday's ago I was approached by a boy in my son's primary class "The Informant". He likes to keep me updated on Miguel's latest shenanigans. This week may have topped them all- "Ummm, Mrs. Larsen. . . Miguel has a frog in his scriptures today." I look at him immediatley. Surely I must not be hearing "the informant" correctly... "Wait, did you say a frog?" "Yeah it's a frog and it's in his scripture case." I stop for a moment trying to wrap my head around this one, then in my best nonchalant reply. . . "Oh a frog huh? (pause) a pretend one right?" The informant is just about to burst at the seams as he shares this last juicy tidbit with me. "No, IT"S A REAL LIVE ONE and it's in a bag of water that he showed to the whole class in primary today." After thanking my source, my mind quickly flashes back to a booth I had seen the day before during Draper Days. The large sign read -FROGS $...