Visit to France

We are visiting in Paris , France this week and so far it has been a wonderful trip. It took us nearly ten hours to fly here. The trip was given to us by Sani Flo, a company that Standard does business  with. We are here with the owners of Standard Richard and Jill Reese and Matt Freeman and his wife Melissa. Great couples to travel with.  So far we have walked to the Arc de triomph and the Eiffel Tower. Both which were awe inspiring. We ate unlimited steak and frites (fries) and some delicious pastries ( my favorite thing here). This morning we had a delicious breakfast at our 5 star hotel which is gorgeous . Can't wait to eat there tomorrow. Just about to go on a plant tour of Sani Flo. The drive out here was beautiful. I love the ornate iron on the balconies and the beautiful window boxes filled with fllowers. The houses are older cottages in the countryside with shutters and they are beautiful. Lots of yellow flowers fill the country in open fields. Breathtaking to be in such a gorgeous part of the world for the entire week. How blessed are we?


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