
Showing posts from 2015

Fresh Georgia Peach Cobbler

My Aunt Francis made us the best peach cobbler when ever we visited her in Georgia each summer. This recipe is simple but one of my favorite ways to serve peaches for dessert.   FRANCIS'S PEACH COBBLER 1 1/2 cup sugar 1 cup self rising flour (or one cup white flour+1/2 tsp. salt+ 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder) 1 cup milk One stick melted butter     Beat ingredients above with a handmixer.  Peaches (may be fresh, canned, or frozen. Just put in enough to cover the bottom of the pan or as thick as you would like the peach layer to be) Put peaches on the bottom of A 9 x 13 pan  (including juices, add 1 cup water if not juicy enough). Pour batter on top of peaches and cook at 350° until bubbly and brown. Approximately 60 to 70 minutes. Don't fill to the top of the pan or it will bubble over while cooking.

His Love Strengthens Me

"Be still and know that I am God." Psalms 46:10     Isn't it a joyous thought that Christ can carry you with all of your doubts and me with all of my fears. He continually carries our children and us with all of our sins and infirmities even when some no longer want his help or acknowledge his divine role as their Savior and Redeemer.         My heart rejoices to know that he is strong enough to carry it all. Unflinching in his love and unending in his mercy. His arms will be forever stretched out still...until we are ready to take Him by the hand and allow his grace to sufficiently cover us. What a beautiful and poignant reminder of his eternal love for us!!! His love amazes me.

Girls Weekend in Park City

Had a fun filled weekend with these two in Park City!  We enjoyed eating out,hiking, eating, laughing and chattering non stop, more eating, great hotel stay, shopping, the Mexican market and did I say eating again? These two have been awesome friends to me love our times spent together!

It's Peach Season

My Dad always shares his bountiful harvest of peaches with us each year. Mostly I freeze them, while he and mom enjoy canning. We will enjoy using them this year in smoothies, ice cream, cobbler and freezer jam. So beautiful and delicious!

Wild Things Soccer party

Mimi's soccer team went to Seven Peaks this year for a party. Coach Adam has been awesome. He really goes above and beyond to train these girls and has created a really good little team. So far this season no losses! Me mo loves being the goalie and doesn't let anything get past her.

Fathers Blessings

Each year to begin our school year, it is our tradition to have Matt give the kids a Fathers blessing. What a wonderful way to start the year with inspirational direction and loving support. The priesthood blesses our lives continually.

My 50th Birthday Celebration

My hubby Matt made my 50th birthday a smash hit! He absolutely spoiled me. The night before he rented a beautiful room at Marriott Mountainside Resort in Park City. Our kids, Colton's date, Calebs girlfriend Christina, my sister Dede and her son Sam all joined us for fun zip lining and riding the coaster down the mountain. We then had a late night dinner at Baja Cantina and then visited a bit at our hotel.  The next day Matt  took us to breakfast and shopping at the outlets. The kids left early with Dede and Sam (she said she was having dinner with friends).  Matt insisted I buy myself some clothes and then we headed home where he had arranged to throw me with a huge surprise party at our house. We pulled up at 4:30 to the house. Coltons car was the only one in the driveway. As we entered the house where about 50 people yelled surprise! I was overwhelmed with emotion that so many would show up to wish me a happy birthday. All close friends and family that I love. M...

Our Silly Girl

  Found these pics of Mimi on my phone today and couldn't stop laughing!

Night out with the Bees

  We all had such a fun time last night going to the bees game. My sister Dede was out with her son Sam. So we enjoyed one of our last summer hurrahs at the ballpark!

Sushi at Sapa

Christina and Caleb dining at Sapa with Matt and me. Me, Dede and Sam. Enjoying a weekend night out with some of my faves. Great food with great family, relaxing on the patio....Who could ask for anything more? Loving this!

My favorite current Crush

My new little nephew River has stolen my heart. Check out that charming smile.  Who could resist that?

Family Fiesta

  With Dede being out from Ohio for the next couple of weeks to help Sam get settled in to his college dorm. We decided we would host a Mexican fiesta and have the family over. I was sad I didn't get more pictures but here are just a few.

My Dog

Coco is our beloved family pet. He is sweet.  He is snuggly.... And loyal to us all.  Love this furry little guy!

Family Reunion Fun

Me and Matt Mimi and Miguel The Memmotts hosted their annual family reunion that incredibly has been going on for 41 consecutive years. This year it was held at Wheeler Farm we attended it and loved meeting so many new people… And guess what we're all related! Afterwards we enjoyed walking around the farm for just a bit with Miguel and Mikayla.

Flowers from my Love

After a long business trip, my sweet Matt came home and bought me these beautiful red flowers. I love them! But even more I love having him back home with me!!!

The Caretaker Award

Here's the award that Miguel came home with from camp this year. Miguel is good at this. Taking care of people and all of the details is his specialty.  We love that he is growing up and becoming appreciated for all of his natural gifts.

Trust God

These signs are quite popular now. I particularly love the message of this one. It is a good thing to remember. When things seem beyond our control, w hich they often are, I try to turn things over to the Lord and truly trust in His ability to take care of the situation or person I may be worrying about.  This also works if someone has offended you in anyway, immediately turn them over to the Lord and pray that He in his merciful way will make things right. He is wiser than I am . More dependable . Full of understanding and more love and therefore able to judge fairly . He is strong enough to carry it all .  When I remember this, I sleep much better and it frees me up from negativity and worry.  I can then begin to focus on all of the positive and good things I can be doing each day!    Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy ...

Highpoint Friends

About twenty years ago we lived in our first neighborhood with some of the funnest friends in Sandy. It's been forever since we have seen each other.  We loved getting together at Market Street Grill  tonight and catching up with these dear friends. We've had some great memories and laughs together!

More News from Scout Camp

It sounds like our Miguel is having a blast at Scout Camp. He's went on several long bike rides and has been one of the few to have zero accidents! Yay Miguel!!! He's also been able to try camp food like "banana boats" for the first time, pass off his cooking merit badge, canoe and see some pretty cool wildlife.  He's called home a couple of times just to check in on us and give us the updates on the latest happenings. Overall sounds like he's enjoying his time there.

Miguel at Scout Camp

Miguel went away today for a whole week to scout camp. Hard for him to leave home without feeling a little homesickness also being that camping is just not his thing (we can relate), but I'm proud of him for going. We were especially happy to get this picture of our boy from his long bike ride today (something he is very good at). Love and miss you Miguel but we know you will enjoy your week!

America Concert

 Fun night out celebrating summer with friends. A popular band from the seventies thru the early eighties came "America", we had been listening to their songs all week (A horse with no name, Ventura Highway etc.)  Such a great time reminiscing and enjoying the beautiful relaxing atmosphere of the park with our cool eighties pals!  

Let there be Light

My cute hubby decided that our patio needed a little more ambience this year. His idea turned out to be brilliant! I love the light and the mood it sets in our back yard. One of our favorite parts of summer is enjoying a little food from our grill and putting our feet up. Now even more so!

Be Believing!

I have seen, felt, heard and now know too much to ever deny the true authenticity of the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. I choose to live it because I have tasted of its goodness. I love it and know of the beautiful happy effects it has upon me and all those who choose to embrace and live it : ) 

Beauty and the Beast

We happened to be in Southern Utah this weekend for a wedding. What a fun week break, even with all the heat.  Matt surprised us all with tickets to Tuachaan to watch the production of Beauty and the Beast.  We absolutley loved it.  Shameful to say my younger kids have never even seen the Disney version (one of our favorites).  They loved the story and talked about it all the way back to the hotel. Here's to lots more fun adventures this week as we take a fun summer break away!

Our Sweet Eighties Love Story

It was July 9th 1986 when all our stars aligned, to the beat of Bananrama's "Venus" playing in the background and the disco lights flashing at Star Palace in Provo.  This handsome guy asked me to dance and we have been inseparable ever since.  He was my greatest encourager as I prepared to serve a mission.  He wrote me the sweetest of love letters, sent care packages with toll house cookie bars and jewelry.  And once I returned after a particularly trying day as a missionary where a dozen roses waited for me on my doorstep.  His late night one ring calls assured me that he was still there for me....  29 years later I still love this man more than anything for all that he has brought into my life.  He has helped me to understand what it means to love another so different than myself but so much the same.  He is my one true love and best friend forever!  Love you my sw...

A Flash from the Past

I recently came across this picture on Facebook of my cute hubby Matt along with his brothers Spencer and Tyler.  I love belonging to this sweet family....the Larsen boys are always full of adventurous stories from their youth!  They make me laugh with their tales and I love that we will always be connected as family!

An Afternoon Nap

  Ahhh a nap! Truly one of lives greatest pleasures. Especially when I have worked so hard this morning. Up at 5:10 a.m. to go to the gym. Cleaning, mothering and organizing my household. Then something aligned perfectly this afternoon to provide me with a much needed nap. How blessed I also feel after resting to know that my Heavenly Father is forever with me providing  much needed light and guidance along lifes paths. Thankful that when I choose to make the efforts he always sends his blessings of peace and adds a heavenly perspective to shine forth and provide me with much needed peace and optimism! :-)

We have a Plan

  My husband and I have came up against many different challenges in our 26 years of marriage and raising a family of 5 children together.  Some have been met with immediate decisiveness about what we should do and others have been so daunting that they have caused us to put on our thinking caps and devise a plan that may even go against what has worked for us in the past. This calls for us to think outside of the box and stretch ourselves in both working harder and exercising our faith more than ever before.    One of my favorite stories in the Book of Mormon is that of the brother of Jared.  In Ether chapters 2 and 3.