Scatter Sunshine Project

   I decided to create a scatter sunshine category in my budget this year. This portion of my budget didn't need to be a large amount. I set mine at 50$ but the same could apply if you put aside 10$ per month for this purpose. Any sum of money set aside to bless the lives of others and allow you the equal blessing of being awakened to seeing the needs of those around you will yield great benefits.
    My first months experience with this was a joyful one for me. Ahead of time I visited the dollar store and picked out a few things I thought may be fun to have on hand were I to ever throw someone a real "pity party". This was first intended years ago as an inside joke between me and my sister. Whenever one of us felt blue or was going through a really discouraging time I would say "hey let's have ourselves a "pity party", I'll bring the pie!"  She and I both would laugh because we love pie, and I figured who could really stay completely sad while indulging in a slice of heaven. So at this party we could laugh, we could cry, we could share our fears and deepest secret wishes.  I would also present the guest of honor with their very own pity party gift box, complete with supplies, so that the next time they were feeling blue they could host their very own party, or invite a special someone to bring some good cheer with them. So I finally did it. I purchased small boxes and party items at the dollar store. I should have taken a picture they were so cute. Bright colored boxes filled with bright tissue paper, confetti, balloons, silly string, party blowers and I topped them with a paper princess crown. I made up three this month for different people I love. I added a couple of special treats to each according to the occasion. For my daughter it was actually her birthday box. To it I added some of her favorite cadbury eggs, a dove chocolate bar and some cash in a princess card for her to go shopping with, then I took her to lunch. For my friend who was recovering from surgery I added homemade muffins, a book of uplifting thoughts and a card offering to help babysit her little boy until she feels better.  Another friend and I actually had a pity party. To her box I added a dove chocolate bar and some great smelling lotion, then we had a good heartfelt talk and we went out to lunch. All of these boxes and supplies cost under 10$. The added treats were picked up on sale for really cheap at different times in previous months and kept in a box on my shelf. I must say it was really a fun way to make someones day and in the process it lifted me and made my day much brighter too. I believe this idea is a win, win for both the giver and the receiver!
   On Friday night I was invited to watch my niece perform in her last drill team performance. At first I felt a little sad that I didn't have a box or gift for her. But after attending I learned an important lesson. She was thrilled just to have my love and support there that night. Her hugs and appreciation were genuine. And I loved watching her perform snd share her  talents with us,. Even though I didn't bring a gift, my gift to her that evening was my love and time. That was easy to give because I really do love her a lot.  I should never miss an opportunity to visit, support, cheer and show my love for someone simply because I am not bearing a physical gift in my hand. The poet Maya Angelou once said,  "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." There are countless ways we can scatter sunshine throughout our world. Please don 't miss one of those moments!

Other Ideas I have:
Create little gift packages when you see a need.
Send a note or card to brighten sometimes day.
Ask someone to lunch, dessert or to go on a walk.
Be a genuine friend by remembering the little details and goings on of others lifes.
Give genuine words of praise, encouragement and hugs freely.
Offer to serve someone wherever possible. Put it on your calender. Commit to it, and show up with a happy heart.
When a friend trusts you enough to share a personal challenge or struggle. Listen with pure empathy. Try hard not to judge or analyze this person, even afterwards. Reach out and listen with love. Offer encouragement wherever possible. Keep it confidential and check in on them often.
Actively pray throughout the day and night for those who need additional help from above. Add their names to the temple prayer roll.
Fast for friends and family who are in need of additional heavenly help.
Call someone on the phone just to check in on them.
Offer to give someone a manicure or pedicure with a good smelling lotion or new nail polish they can keep.
Offer to come and organize something or work on a project together.

Thoughtful Gifts:
  • Baking mixes or hot cocoa mix, warm socks, some minty foot cream and a thoughtful card.
  • Candle and a beautiful card.
  • Sees candies and a card.
  • Book and a throw blanket with a card.
  • Favorite treats, magazine, drink and a card.
  • Fun little game and a treat with a card.
  • Craft idea with a card.
  • Lovely flower or plant with a card.
  • Weddings give a gift card with a thoughtful card.
(As you can see a card is always an important element to me because it's a chance to write down a thoughtful sentiment or express your love and gratitude for someone special. We all have a  deep yearning to be appreciated. This is my chance to say it, in a card.)

Hosting Friends:
  • Host a brunch. Keep it simple. Beforehand make the food. Ideas might include: muffins, cinnamon rolls, quiche, crepes, french toast, bacon or biscuits and gravy, fresh fruit and milk steamers or fresh juice. Set the table inside or better yet out on the patio. Invite 2-3 friends over.
  • Host a luncheon. This could be as simple as soup or a salad with rolls. Maybe a fresh fruit dessert. Or invite each person to bring an item, potluck style.  Again keep numbers small so I don't feel overwhelmed.  Enjoy the visit and company!
  • Couples game night. Invite a couple of friends over. Share a pizza, sub sandwich or just have everyone bring a favorite treat or finger food. Listen to some favorite 80's tunes, play some games or watch a favorite series or movie together.


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