Our Traditional Davis Easter Egg Hunt

Digging for the coveted grand prize egg!
My Aunt Jackie, one of the sneakiest hiders...giving the kids a tip on the child's grand prize egg
My cute nieces, Mckell, Maddie and Aspen
More cute cousins.  Brittney, Bailey, Braiden and friend
It's that time of year again and my wonderful parents hosted our annual Easter Egg hunt once again this year, down at my Grandpas farm.  Fun was had by us all.  I think I may have noted before on my blog what we all do for this tradition.  But if not here is how it goes down.  My Mom and Dad have us over for a first of the year barbecue.  My Dad is from the South and makes the most delicious sauce (his recipe is secret but good)! Dad cooks the meat and we each bring a dish to go with the meal. No one ever leaves hungry.  All participants bring a gift to give away and my Mom and Dad are generous contributors of our cash grand prize eggs.  We also each color and bring 1-2 doz. eggs to be hidden.  Some eggs are then numbered like 1- 30 (or however many people are in attendance, so that everyone gets a prize).  When looking for eggs you want a low number so that you can pick from the prizes first.  Everyone is generous and shares a numbered egg with those who may not have found one. Each person gets one prize.  Grand prize eggs are usually very tricky to find, (as in digging may be involved at times, Hehe!)  They are very valuable $50 for Adults prize and $25 Kids grand Prize.  It is mostly just a fun way to get together and enjoy each others company.  We all really do love each other a lot!!!!
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