A Flash from my Past

So my cute hubby Matt found this pic somewhere on the internet and it brought flooding back a ton of memories. This is an exact replica of my first car ever....beauty isn't he?  I actually named him Melvin and picked him up for a mere $500.  What a steal right?  Haha.  Mine actually had the added bonus of luggage racks on top, no air conditioning but a heater that had been hard wired to stay blasting on even through the hot summer until my Dad so generously disconnected it for me.  Whew, thanks Dad!   I was the envy I'm sure of every person in Provo driving this baby around.  In fact you may laugh now but this $500 car was paid for and got me around for the next 5 years to everywhere I needed to go...my husband even got the pleasure of driving it once we were married. Because he's a chivalrous gentleman he let me drive his newer, sportier Volkswagen Scirocco.  Thanks babe, and I'm still sorry about the time you got stuck at that light because Melvin didn't want to move and almost got beat up by an impatient road rager!  Love you lots and thanks for sending me this pic : )


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