
Showing posts from May, 2013

Sunny St. George

        So with all of Matt's traveling around this year we have been able to sneak away on a couple of  trips with him.  We love southern Utah especially when we are still a little chilly up north.  This was just a fun quick getaway with the kiddos!

Beautiful Snow Canyon Area


Beautiful Blossoms of Spring

How can you not just see these and feel instantly Happy?  

Sowing Sweet Relationships

Relationships are formed by what two people put into them.  They are reciprocal and cannot be formed without each others consent and effort.  Being merely related to a person, does not necessarily mean you automatically form a bond with that person. They are not one sided, but born out of what both people put into them.  If both are selfless, kind and caring about one another, the relationship yields fruits of love and will be sweet all of your days.  If the relationship is sown with seeds of discontent, criticism and selfishness, the fruit born out of that relationship will be bitter. You cannot will a good relationship onto your children, your parents, your spouse or anyone elses marriage; no matter how good your intent or example may be.  A relationship is a personal matter of ones own heart and mind.  The end result depends on YOU!  What are you willing to give in order to have a sweet relationship with others?  Choose your path wisely:-)...