Tuesday, November 20, 2012

My Angel

Have you ever slept next to an angel?
My daughter is my angel.
She's light and love and peace.
She wakes me with her morning knock,
when I am sound asleep.

I hear her feet come shuffling in,
 a blanket in her arms.
I pick her up, she snuggles close.
 She's soft and wiggly and warm.

 Her soft little hands touch my face.
Her eyes alight with love.
 She gives a tickle to her Dad,
with a gentle kiss and hug.

 I ponder now on all that transpired,
and how she came to be.
I can't imagine I could be so blessed,
to have God send this angel to me.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My Miguel

First Cry,
welcoming a new life.
The sound,
heralding heavens newest arrival.

Sweet innocence,
Heaven's perfect gift.
Fills my arms
with tenderness and love like I have never felt.

Joy fills my soul,
as I look at you.
You are evidence
of God's perfect love for me.

(We adopted our son at the age of 2.  I remember looking through pictures given to us by his birth family.  It was fun to see him so small and innocent, but I felt a twinge of sadness that I hadn't been there to witness his first beginnings.  I thought about what that day must have been like, were I to have actually been there.)