Anyone Know What Time it is in Rome?

Okay the strangest thing just happened yesterday. Something you had to see to believe. I'm sitting in my office working on cub scout things and writing a letter on "Dear Elder" to my son Caleb, who is in the MTC waiting to go to Italy in about 2 weeks. All of a sudden my atomic clock starts to sync itself, moving ahead several hours. I look up and think daylight savings time is passed. . . .hmm, maybe we're  just low on batteries. So this morning I get looking at it and wondering what time it had reset itself to. I pull up Caleb's blog just to see what time it happens to be in Rome (I put a little widget with Rome Time on his blog). Sure enough my clock had automatically reset itself to Rome time. Strange I know but I took a picture to send Dub at the MTC. just so he doesn't think I'm pulling his leg. Above are our clocks in the family room showing Utah time. And below is our Atomic clock from the office and the world time clock from Caleb's mission blog.  UNBELIEVABLE!  Matt said maybe we should leave it and see if it resets itself back to Utah time again in two years when Caleb gets home. This is to funny!

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Diane said…
Love this post. Amazing story and I think you should keep it at that time.

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