My First Blog Book

Yes-It's finally complete! After editing and arranging my pictures just like I wanted them, I had the first two years of my blog turned into a book and it turned out beautifully. I published it through Blurb. Their software was so easy to use. I just pushed a button and it did most of the work for me. Downloading each Post from my blog into pages of a book. I just set up the fonts that I wanted and chose how I liked the pictures to be displayed on each page. This part probably took the longest, but it's so worth getting it exactly like you want it before ordering. Luckily because the software was downloaded right to my desktop, I could work on a few pages at a time. I used to scrapbook but never again. I can order as many of these books as I would like and for a fraction of the cost it takes to put together a scrapbook the old fashioned way. I think with shipping and a coupon it cost around $54.00 for a book that was 133 pages. Plus it takes up so much less space on my bookshelves than a big bulky scrapbook and looks a lot more professional. LOVE IT!!!!!
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Tebbs Family said…
I KNOW I need to do this! I'm worried what 4 years and 159 posts will cost!!!! I'm still scrapbooking each of my kids in books and I know I'm wasting so much time and money... old habits are just hard to break. I'm going to get brave soon. Your book looks fantastic!
calibosmom said…
I too must do this. I have converted to digital books as well. Soooo much easier! Yours looks great!
Diane said…
Love it and can't wait to get mine done.

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