Annual Easter Egg Hunt 2011

It's Easter again.... which means it's time for our Easter Egg Hunt. The weather held out for us and we all went to Grandpas property to look for the treasured grand prize eggs.

Everyone young and old alike seek the coveted eggs. The other great incentive is that everyone comes home with a prize. The rules go like this: everyone who participates brings a prize and we number the eggs 1-however many prizes and people we have. If you find the 1 you are lucky because you get to pick first out of all of the prize loot. then the numbers to select proceed from there on up. My Dad and his brother both furnish the Adult cash prize of $50 and this year 2 kids cash eggs, both worth $25 a piece.

Matt after much seeking near the wood pile found the adult grand prize, and Miguel won one of the kid prizes! Happy Easter!!!

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Diane said…
Those are two happy faces winning the loot! Great memories.

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