
Showing posts from November, 2010

Birthday Fun

This year Mimi invited 12 friends over for a party. We had pizza and went swimming at a great indoor pool. Miguel had a great idea for decorating with balloons. When we yelled "Happy Birthday" he had a string he pulled and all the balloons came tumbling down. (Miguel is quite ingenius!) Here our birthday girl begins to open her pile of presents. It was a fun night.

Baptism Day

Our little Mikayla got baptized last week on her birthday. This made it an extra special day for her. We are proud of her decisoun to get baptized. She loves reading her new scriptures and has a beautiful voice when singing all the primary songs for us. Love you Mimi! Our families all came to show their support of her. We love you all!

A Great Week

Matt came home last week carrying an armful of roses and declaring his love for me (love letter and all)! I am a very blessed girl. Married happily to my Matt for 22 years! What could be better? Also my sister Dede was in town for a visit. I felt lucky to get to spend some time with her while she was out. She is a great sister and we all love to see her as much as we can! f

Miguel's Night

For Miguel's 9th birthday he decided to go to FAT CATS with our family. We bowled and had yummy pizza. It was a very fun night celebrating a wonderful boy in our lives. WE LOVE YOU MIGUEL!