80's Night

Tayler and her friends love to go 80's dancing. Who can blame her, the 80's produced some of the best music to dance to. Here she is with her friends Ashley and Kajsia. Takes me back to the day when my friends and I used to hit The Palace, Xenon and The Bay any time that we could. Fun times!!!!!
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Tebbs Family said…
Hilarious! I remember wearing leg warmers to go to the gym... oh, those 80's... BUT you're right, GREAT music!
calibosmom said…
Hi Tracy! I am Matt's cousin Liz. Steve and Darla's youngest. We have met a couple of times but its been years. I live in New Hampshire. I found your blog link from wandering on family Facebook pages. Its so fun to see pictures of my cousins-I'm glad I found your blog. I'm a blogger too. Hope all is well!

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