First Grade Field Trip

I was so lucky this week to get to join Mimi on her first grade field trip.  We began by going to Harmon's grocery store.  We were treated to a full tour and enjoyed samples of  their yummy delicious food like shrimp, cookies, bread and even some frog eye salad. (Note to Tour Guide: maybe you should clarify what exactly goes into making frog eye salad- a boy in my group was loving the fruit, whipped cream and marshmallows, but then nearly threw up when he thought he'd bitten into some frog eyes. Thank goodness for napkins). Next stop was the park where we dined on our sack lunches together.
Final destination was Farm country at Thanksgiving Point.  It was a beautiful day,
and as you can see we saw all kinds of farm animals,
including this adorable baby goat born just a week ago.
The kids were all mesmerized when we noticed an egg start to hatch. It was in this warm little incubator which sported a sign that read, "Chicks coming soon". We literally watched as this egg went from rocking gently back and forth, to seeing a small little hole being made in the top by what appeared to be a tiny little beak. By the time we had to leave the chick had worked so hard, he'd cracked the entire top of the egg and we could hear him chirping. To bad we missed his complete arrival but the anticipation was truly half the fun.
Miss Mimi had a fabulous time and I loved that she was so excited for both Tayler and I to be there.  She's a dolly.  We just love our little Mimi!!!!


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