Easton the Elf

We had and elf named Easton come and visit us this
year along with a letter explaining why Santa had sent
him to our house from the North Pole.
Miguel and Mikayal both loved waking up each morning to
see what Easton had been up to while they were asleep.
They tried to be especially good so that Easton would give
a good report to Santa when he went back to visit.
As Mimi put it on Christmas morning when she saw all the
gifts..." I must have had 49 naughties and 54 nices."
(The nices just barely won by a small margin)
One morning he dove into a box of cheerios. He also was found
reading a Christmas book, hanging from the chandelier and
swinging from our ceiling fan one day just for fun.
The kids loved him so much they hope he'll come back next year.
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Diane said…
It looks like Easton was up to a lot of mischief! You have one cute elf and I really hope he comes back next year too.
Tebbs Family said…
What a darling idea!!! And glad Mikayla was up to speed on her naughty/nice status so she can work hard again next year if he comes back... he better...

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