Hiking Zions Canyon

It was the perfect weekend, first day of Spring to be exact, that my husband got the bug to do one of his impromptu road trips with me and the kids. I am a planner who likes to think things through, right down to a typed out itinerary where I can schedule in our bathroom breaks. He on the other hand is my opposite, very spontaneous and adventuresome, one of the many things we all love about him! When he says pack your bags you feel a little irresponsible like you've just been invited to play hooky and are whisked away from all your earthly cares. So we all trekked down to Southern Utah and stayed in a house Matt's parents let us use in St. George. We love hiking in Zions Canyon and this year Matt really wanted the older kids to do Angels Landing with him. I being quite squeamish about mega heights, opted to stay and do some of the mild hikes with our little ones.
The weather was gorgeous this time of year not too hot or cold. We were also lucky to avoid any of the summer crowds.
Angels Landing was a pretty intense hike. With narrow paths at some points and dangerously steep drop offs. They even have chains bolted into the rock walls in some areas to keep hikers safe. They completed a 4 hour hike in 3 hours and all loved it. Caleb did mention that it would most likely be his last time trying a hike like that (I think he inherited my fear of heights). Here they are at the top: Caleb, Colton, Matt and Tayler.
Colton relaxing and enjoying the view from above.
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Diane said…
I love that about Matt. I wish I could be a tad bit more spontaneous too. How fun and I hope you all enjoyed yourselves. I love the picture of all of them at the top. They all looks so darn cute. They are gorgeous kids! I think they take after their auntie.
Tebbs Family said…
How fun! Aren't you glad you went when you did? We've got another six inches of snow right now!!! Good for Matt...

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