Color at Last

I have a confession to make. When it comes to color I'm a little phobic. I like it in other people's houses, but I have been totally content with all white walls in my house for over 10 years now. I don't know why. Perhaps it's because white is clean and light and you really can't mess up decorating too much when you choose to go with it. We finally decided however to break out of our comfort zone and add a little color to our lives. At first I was a little nervous but now that we've done it I love the results. All of the paints are from Restoration Hardware. So far Matt and I have painted a room each Saturday in January and we are almost through with the main floor. Here are some of the results, we're still in the process of updating our decor to go with the new paint. It's been a great project to beat the winter blahs.
Silver Sage
Blue Sage (our favorite)
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Diane said…
I love the new colors. It really makes things "pop" in your house. How fun
Tebbs Family said…
I LOVE the colors! My sister was an all-white gal herself until a couple of years ago and it really changed the whole feeling of her house--very warm. Glad you're having fun! I'm still planning on lunch tomorrow but my niece told me she doesn't think "Citrus Grill" is there anymore? Is that true??? See you at noon regardless...
Davis Family said…
Love it Love it Love it! You guys did an amazing job and I'm thrilled to see color on your walls! Can't wait to see it in person!

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