Baby Moses?

When we first adopted Mikayla, her aunt and uncle passed along the cutest picture of our cute baby Mikayla in a basket at about 8 or 9 months old....I have always since called it the "baby moses" picture...isn't she cute.
Fast forward five years later, Mikayla is wired like the energizer bunny. Meaning she wakes up early, no longer naps and is still going strong when bedtime rolls around. The other night we were all pretty exhausted and she didn't want to go to sleep. I finally retired to my room as she pulled blankets out of the closet, clothes out of the dresser drawers, read dozens of books and emptied a few laundry baskets filled with stuff to be put away the next day. Finally at 11:00 p.m. this is how we found her. Our sweet "baby Moses" sound asleep at last. WHEW!
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Diane said…
This is so sweet and funny. I love that you have that picture and it is so funny with your post. What a character!

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