Garden Fresh Tomatoes

From as far back as I can remember my grandparents always kept a garden. They loved growing vegetables and fruits and we were most often the benefactors of their harvest. My Mother and Grandmother spent time in their kitchens each Fall canning tomatoes, green beans, peaches and jams. I myself have always opted to buy mine at the grocery store. In keeping with tradition the last couple of years my parents and siblings that live close by decided to plant a large family garden on Grandpa's property. This year I was inspired by the "Fashionably Foodie" blog (see link in right column) to try my hand at canning a few tomatoes myself, she made it look so easy and fun. I made my Grandma's tomato soup base which goes great in chili, soup or stew. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be and their was a certain sense of satisfaction at having picked our own produce and now getting to enjoy the results throughout the upcoming Winter.

Grandma's Tomato Soup Base

-1 bucket of tomatoes
-1 bunch of celery
-3 green bell peppers
-2 onions

Step 1- Dice celery, peppers and onion in food processor to the consistency you like and place in a large pot.
Step 2- Wash your tomatoes. Then place approximaltey 12 at a time in a boiling pot of water for 30 seconds. Remove from water and place in a bowl of ice water. Skins should peel off easily. Continue until all of your tomatoes are peeled.
Step 3- Remove cores and any bad parts then cut your tomatoes into quarters. Place in your pot along with the other processed veggies. Simmer on stove top for 10 minutes.

Step 4- Add 1 tsp. of salt and 2 Tbsp. of lemon juice in the bottom of your quart size jars. Fill jars to 1/4 inch from the rim with tomato mixture. Wipe clean then add flat lids and rings.

Step 5- Place up to 7 bottles at a time in a pressure cooker adding 2-3 quarts of water. Place lid on and allow steam to build for 10 minutes before placing bobber on the cooker. When pressure reaches 10 lbs. begin timing for 40 minutes. Let pressure come down for approximatley 20 - 30 minutes before removing lid. Or you may process them in a steamer(45 min.) or boiling water bath (50 min.) covering with water 1 inch over your bottles.

Step 6- Remove bottles and let rest for 24 hours. Label and store.

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Diane said…
Success! Sis, I am glad you got those tomaters picked. Your jars look beautiful and mom and Dad can now relax knowing you finished them.
Anonymous said…
Wow... Look at you Martha, I guess I need to start learning
Suzy Q
Melissa said…
That sounds delicious! There is definitely a great satisfaction that comes with canning. You'll enjoy using those for months to come.

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