Sweet Dreams

I'm not afraid to admit it or even fight it...I am a big fan of "the nap". It rejuvinates me and gives me the added energy boost I need to complete my day, as well as the added bonus of making me a much more pleasant person to be around. A nap to me on a Sunday afternoon is somewhat of a luxury. Especially if it's rainy or cold outside. To tuck myself under a blanket and totally relax with no deadlines to meet is pure bliss. Even on weekdays I love it when I can fit in an hour or so of relaxation time just for me. At our house it usually begins as I go to my room and the kids to theirs for what we call quiet time. I try to put aside all of my work so that I can read or write something which just naturally leads to my favorite past time..."a nap". Ahhhh pure heaven!


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