Our little friends Gabby and Emmy

Then and Now-
Emily (almost 8)

Gabby( almost 10) with her mom Maria.
The Foster Care Foundation is an organization that is dear to our hearts. A few years ago our family had the opportunity to serve as a foster family. We loved doing this. Every child who came to us was lovable and had a great deal to teach us. We especially love the fact that fostering is about giving families second chances to make a fresh start, it was rewarding to see parents who loved their children so much, work hard to create a better life for them.
Gabby and Emmy lived with us for a short time five years ago. We have been so blessed that they have wanted to keep in touch. On Sunday they came to dinner with their mother Maria and brother Rudy. We love catching up on all their latest happenings. And we look forward to many more successes in their lives yet to come.


Anonymous said…
They have turned into Beautiful Little Girls.

Suzy Q
Diane said…
How sweet they still keep in touch. I am thrilled also that you have Michael Buble on your music list. Love him and especially love "Home"

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