Football "Fan"atic

Here are the top 4 reasons why I am a Football Fan.
1. My husband is "the coach", and has been for the past five years. How could I ever miss an opportunity to see Coach Larsen standing on the sidelines screaming his guts out in excitement for this game he loves soooooo much. He especially enjoys the boys he gets to work with. Even more important than winning every game (and believe me that's pretty important) is his philosophy of building better boys. Each year he wants them to come away feeling like they have grown and been a part of something great.

2. Caleb my 16 year old has made football his sport of choice from age 11 on up. He now gets to play on the High School team, which is so much more intense and exciting. His position is hawk or outside linebacker. When you hear the helmets crack you know the boys have now all grown up into full size men.

Here he is #40 in our local newspaper after playing one of our biggest rivals Bingham High School and winning. Last year Alta High took State and with a record of 5-1 so far this year they just might do it again!

3. My 14 year old son Colton is finishing his last year of little league. He plays tailback, quarterback and linebacker. He's lightning fast and knows how to read the plays. Watch the video footage below from his game last week against Grantsville to see why I don't even like to miss watching a practice during the season, Colton is #11. He made two TD's and we pulled off a win.

4. There is really so much about this sport that I love, the 3 guys above are the biggest reasons. But as each year rolls around I truly look forward to August when I can mingle with all the other football parents and our extended family who come to support us. I love watching each practice, scrimmage and game cheering for my kids and our beloved team. I even love sitting outside and enjoying the changing season (except for a game a couple of years back, just ask my Mother-in-Law about the bucketfuls of rain that poured off our umbrella and down the back of our pants each time we 'd get excited and clap). Sometimes it's very cold and wet but our spirit and love of the game of football still has not been dampened. Go Hawks!!!!!


Anonymous said…
We love this post. The boys have watch the video clip many times and thinks Colton is awesome. Mike thinks he is certainly fast! I love that Caleb was in the famous and handsome. I wish we could be there to come to the games. Next year when Caleb comes to Ohio we will be there fore sure!

Melissa said…
I have a feeling this mat be me in a few years. Greg is SUCH a football fan. He lives for each BYU football game and loves to take Jake and teach him all about it too. Jake played his first year of soccer this year and I was surprised ow much fun I had watching him and how into the games I got.

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