Family Notebook

This idea for a family notebook came from my sister Diane. I have used this system for the past 3 or 4 years and swear by it. It's a great way to keep you organized and all of your family info. in one place. You can also customize it to suit the needs of your own busy family. I bought a 3 ring binder which is always in the same drawer in our kitchen. Mine contains the following: a print out of local phone numbers we call frequently (our ward directory), Emergency information for babysitters, our family schedule and my cleaning schedule. These are all kept in clear page protectors to keep them from tearing. I then purchased some clear colored pockets that have a place for labeling subjects or categories. These contain info. for School, Sports, Church, Meal Planning and Mom's Misc. The clear pockets inside the front and back cover of my binder hold temporary items such as an insurance card it we are going out of town or anything else that needs my attention right away. I love the fact that anyone in the family can immediately find their information and it's portable enough to grab and take to a doctors appointment or school meetings. Sanity saver indeed. Thanks DeDe!!!


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