Our Graduate

Our oldest daughter Tayler graduated from seminary on Thursday and tomorrow she will graduate from Alta High School. It has all went by too fast (your parents always told you this, but it doesn't really hit home until you have a child of your own). I have mixed emotions as her mom. Of course I am extremely proud of all that she's accomplished up to this point, but it is a bit sad to see your babies grow up into adults. She is a happy, carefree girl. And has developed so many of her talents this year including playing the guitar, being a beautiful seamstress, having a great eye for interior design and is a caring and accepting friend to so many. We love her and look forward to all that she will achieve in her future.


Diane said…
She is a beautiful girl. I so remember her as a baby still with those big brown eyes!
I was looking at this picture and she looks so much like you. Nice post!
BAILEY said…
hey tay congrats on your big day u look so grown up and pretty k well talk to u soon love ya

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