We just returned from our trip to Moab. The boys in our family swear that this is one of the greatest places to visit on earth. They usually take a springtime biking trip with Matt but this time Tayler and I were invited to tag along. Above is Balanced Rock. Driving across the red rock landscape one could easily see how captivating this place is. Not only are the colors vibrant but each area we went to had something unique to look at. It was like visiting a museum with vast artistic sculptures all created by the hand of nature. This is Landscape Arch. This area is referred to as The Windows. My boys (this includes my husband) were all in heaven. Climbing the red rock was a little like climbing on a Jungle Gym, except with the added element of danger in some steep areas. I watched for awhile, then had to turn away when the drop offs were to high for me to stand. With the Larsen boys the more you yell, "okay, that's far enough", the more they see that, as a challenge t...